1.Restart your computer: One of the first things you can do to improve system performance is to shut down and restart it. When the device restarts, the computer normally shuts down the programs and processes. The data loaded into memory is also deleted, which helps to fix day-to-day performance and stability concerns caused by keeping the operating system running for an extended period of time.
2. Disable startup programs: In Windows 10, many apps can register to start automatically during startup and then operate in the background, wasting system resources and slowing down the experience. When attempting to speed up Windows 10, it is recommended that you disable all apps running at launch, or at least those that you do not use frequently.
3. Defragment your hard disk: Over time, your hard disk may get fragmented, slowing down your computer. Defragmenting your hard drive might help to speed up your computer by reorganizing the data on it so that it can be accessed faster.
4. Clean Your Hard Drive Using Disk Cleanup: Disk Cleanup is a built-in application in Windows that allows you to free up space on your hard drive by eliminating temporary files, system files, and other things that you no longer require. This can assist to speed up your computer by freeing up space on the hard disk.
5. Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows: Windows 10 has a feature that allows you to adjust the appearance and performance of your computer. By adjusting the settings, you can optimize your computer for better performance
6. Use CrystalDiskInfo to check the health of your hard disk: CrystalDiskInfo is a free utility software that allows you to monitor the health of your hard drive. It can read information from the hard drive's built-in S.M.A.R.T system to offer you information on reading and writing speeds, HDD or SSD temperature, and other critical indicators of reliability.
7. Upgrade to an SSD : SSDs beat HDDs in terms of data access speed, which results in faster system responsiveness. Furthermore, SSDs are more robust and trustworthy than standard HDDs since they have less moving components.
In conclusion, optimizing your PC’s performance can help you get the most out of your device. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this post, you can speed up your system and improve its overall performance. Remember to restart your computer, disable startup apps, defragment your hard disk, and clean up your hard disk to keep your system running smoothly.